Whitepill Wednesday: A Better WELS Document on Critical Theory


Rev. Andrew Mueller prepared a 28 page document entitled "Fissures of Men: An Evaluation of Critical Theory in the Light of Scripture" for the AZ/CA District Conference in October 2024. 

The paper is fantastic, starting with an introduction heavily grounded in the Scriptures and proceeding to identify challenges posed by our society. After defining critical theory, Pastor Mueller proceeds for the bulk of the paper to identify the lineage of Critical Theory in four parts, pausing at moments to make touchpoints in the WELS. The paper finishes with a worldview comparison between Biblical Christianity and Cultural Marxism and the "Critical Dilemma" where Critical Theory views God-given constructs as oppressive and objectionable. 

This is the kind of document the CoP should have generated. Definitely worth your time to read in full.

"The purpose of critical theory is to divide and conquer. It dares contend with Christ, which is a fool’s errand we know. Yet it forges on undeterred, its success best seen in the fissures of men, the cracks and divisions caused by its attacks on truth after creeping gradually into our midst."

