What your church gave up when it gave up hymnals
What Your Church Gave Up When It Gave Up Hymnals — Expository Parenting Ministries Recommended by a friend... I really enjoyed this article and thought it offered some food for thought to confessional Lutherans. The article starts out talking about the development of contemporary worship and the so-called 'worship wars.' We Lutherans may be tempted to pride at this point. To the best of my knowledge no WELS parish uses smoke machines and each one has at least a basic Gospel message. But the extreme deviations in other denominations - whether in contemporary worship or social views - gives us cover to deviate ever so slightly and maintain the cloak of orthodoxy. In worship, we can decide to worship from a bulletin - so convenient for our guests - or implement screens, child care during worship (shudder), Pastors in skinny jeans and Pastors with a guitar slung around their back. Maybe your Pastor retained vestments, but under the cover of extreme Liberal churches that are acc