(pri)DEMON(th): Surrogacy
"Become a Surrogate - Earn $69,000+" Surrogacy is a perversion of God's gift of marriage. God blesses man and woman with the fruit of the womb in a one-flesh union and places a child in the context of that particular mother and a father, because that child needs both a mother and father. But that doesn't mean that a heterosexual Christian couple (but I repeat myself) who can't conceive can rightfully use a surrogate: if God denies you the natural ability to create life, we should seek to live within the parameters our God set for us (the same applies to IVF - even more so given the number of embryos destroyed or indefinitely suspended in the process). A godly option, if you can accept it, would be adoption. But let's be frank - surrogacy is a conduit for creating "fashion accessories" for homosexuals (Lord, have mercy). A quick perusal of SimpleSurrogacy.com shows the last two blog posts feature gay parents playing with a child: The "Intended Pa