Must Watch: Biblical Worldview Conference

2023 Biblical Worldview Conference (

I commend to your consumption the Biblical Worldview Conference linked above. This conference took place on November 4th of last year at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELS) in Lombard, IL. It was recently made available online for free. 

Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller (LCMS) presented on the Theology of Pronouns, an updated version of a presentation he gave in 2022 and shared on the podcast. One of Pastor Wolfmueller's insights is that historically martyrs have been made such for defending the second article of the Creed (John the Baptist excepted) while today martyrs are and will continue to be made for defending the first article of the Creed. Another interesting point on how our mentality has changed with time: looking back at the writings of 1917 (the 400th anniversary of the 95 theses) most commentators wrote about Luther and the Holy Spirit with only one mention of Gutenberg's printing press. In 2017 at the 500th anniversary of the 95 theses, nearly every commentator wrote about the importance of the printing press! Our mentality as influenced through culture has shifted from focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit to the technological breakthroughs that surely must be the means-by-which...

Rev. Dr. John Bombaro (LCMS) presented on sharing Christ with the LGBTQ. Bombaro relates his experiences as a Pastor at a congregation with celibate homosexuals and involving them in the Church, showing the love of Christ while dealing with the struggles they have. I have a soft spot for Bombaro as he can't seem to get through a presentation or discussion without invoking the importance liturgy and the Eucharist for formation of the Christian.

High School Teacher Joshua Nelson (WELS) had an excellent presentation on confronting the modern heresies of Critical Theory, Antiracism and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). He provided a Google Drive with a number of resources, including previous presentations given at the Bethany Apologetics and Worldview conferences. Joshua makes the point that Critical Theory is a theological system, and shares his experiences dealing with Social and Emotional Learning in High School curriculum.

Dr. Jennifer Kom (ELS) is a professor at Bethany Lutheran College and presented on how to raise children in the current year. (Admittedly I have yet to watching this presentation, as my sons are now men... but I was told by two individuals it was excellent information for those of you still rearing your young!)
